Program Overview
- Introduction to Photoshop: Basics of the interface, tools, and workspace.
- Image Editing: Techniques for cropping, resizing, and adjusting images.
- Color Correction: Using tools like levels, curves, and color balance to enhance images.
- Layers and Masks: Understanding how to use layers, layer masks, and adjustment layers for non-destructive editing.
- Selections: Techniques for making precise selections using tools like the lasso, magic wand, and quick selection tool
- Retouching: Methods for retouching photos, including spot healing, clone stamp, and content-aware fill
- Text and Typography: Adding and styling text within images.
- Filters and Effects: Applying filters and effects to create unique looks.
- Compositing: Combining multiple images and elements to create composite images
- Digital Painting: Techniques for creating digital artwork from scratch
- Exporting and Saving: Best practices for saving and exporting images for web, print, and other media.